Thursday, February 3, 2011

wake up call

Twyla Tharp's book "the Creative Habit" is full of very handy ideas and encouraging /enlightening stories ... about making stuff .
... and having solid habits to support making stuff
I've been getting going early [6:30 am] into the studio and spending two or three hours on painting exercises
first exercise was a series of gesture sketches [one minute / wipe out /change view / one
minute / etc ..., the same with
five minutes each] see left for two sketches @ creekside

then i moved to sketching myself [long mirror, $7 at Target ] in a series of 20minute sessions
With breaks to breathe and look over my work [ yikes,
oops , or AHHH ]
As an example see below [painted over an old color study panel]

Its great to get going before I can even THINK of an excuse not to paint
[need to walk the dog, re organize my sock drawer, etc...]

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I love this progression, all of a sudden your hair just pops in. Nice time-lapse photography Annie.
